Love is Love: A Guide to Same-Sex Weddings

Weddings are fun. Love is blind. It is boundless. You can fall in love with anyone, irrespective of their color, religion or even sex. We have been conditioned to heterosexual weddings. But the romance between members of the same sex shouldn’t be frowned upon. Coming out of the closet can be distressing and it is still not welcomed with open arms but if you have the right support and love, it can be easier and comfortable. If you’re in love with someone from the sex as you and want to marry them, this might be of some help to you. Read on! First things first: Before planning your dream wedding, make sure that the country you’re marrying in legalizes same-sex weddings. Though the LGBTQ movement has spread across the length and breadth of this big, wide world, there are still many countries, such as Australia that does not give legal consent to same-sex marriages. Get creative with your wedding invitations : Not everyone gets a chance to witness the marriage of a...